
Dofunstuffwithyourdigitalphotos.Createandprintfreepersonalizedmotivationalposters,calendars,movieposters,magazinecovers,badges,mosaics, ...TradingCard·MosaicMaker·Jigsaw·MagazineCover:Beasuperstar!,Makeyourownmagazinecover!Beasuperstar!Provetoyourfriendshowfamousyoureallyare!Allyouneedisaphotofromthatfancydigitalcameraofyours.,BigHugeLabsisalearner-centeredonlinetoolthatallowsstudentstocreatet...


Do fun stuff with your digital photos. Create and print free personalized motivational posters, calendars, movie posters, magazine covers, badges, mosaics, ... Trading Card · Mosaic Maker · Jigsaw · Magazine Cover: Be a superstar!

Magazine Cover: Be a superstar!

Make your own magazine cover! Be a superstar! Prove to your friends how famous you really are! All you need is a photo from that fancy digital camera of yours.


BigHugeLabs is a learner-centered online tool that allows students to create their own content through images and text. BigHugeLabs offers a variety of ...

Big Huge Labs | Logopedia

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Big Huge Labs

Where do I find it? What is it? Big Huge Labs allows you to be creative with your photos. How can I use it in my classroom?

bighugelabs photos on Flickr

Flickr photos, groups, and tags related to the bighugelabs Flickr tag.


I am in love with this site. Easy and fun way to create magazine covers, inspirational posters, mapmaker, movie poster, customized jigsaw puzzles,.

Big Huge Labs

Cover · Big Huge Labs · Motivator Posters · Magazine Covers · Trading Cards · Movie Poster · Badge Maker · Cube.

Big Huge Labs

In addition they have many photo editing/photo enchancing tools: Bead Art, Jigsaw, FX, Mat, Wallpaper, Cube, Lolcat Generator, Framer, Color Palette, Pocket ...


Helping you do cool stuff with your digital photos since 2005.

Pically 1.0.3 輕鬆打造簡單實用的圖片月曆

Pically 1.0.3 輕鬆打造簡單實用的圖片月曆
